sallu alan nabi

sallu alan nabi

Hadis Nabi

Rasulullah SAW berpesan, “Bersegeralah kamu melakukan amalan soleh kerana akan datang kepada umatku di suatu masa, satu fitnah yang begitu besar yang datangnya seperti satu kepingan hitam di malam gelap gelita tak nampak”. Sahabat bertanya, “Apakah fitnah besar itu ya Rasullullah?”. “Fitnah itu adalah kamu akan lihat umatku di hari itu, di waktu itu, pada masa itu, pagi hari Islam, petang kafir. Petang Islam, pagi kafir semula”. Sahabat bertanya lagi, “Mengapa begitu ya Rasullullah?”. Rasullullah SAW menjawab, “sebab dia menjual agamanya dengan nilai dunia”.

Ayat Al Qur'an


Sesungguhnya ini ialah pemberian Kami kepada kamu, pemberian yang tidak akan habis-habis; -

(Saad 38:54)

Ayat Al Qur'an


"Dan sesungguhnya aku telah memohon perlindungan kepada Tuhanku dan Tuhan kamu, daripada kamu merejam (atau menyakiti) daku.

(Ad-Dukhaan 44:20)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Mysterious Socotra Island ( Indian Ocean )

Before you lead, you follow………….
Before you speak, you listen.. ………….
For he who speaks, does not always know
and he who knows, does not always speak....

Welcome to the Alien lands of Socotra , with strange trees like the Dragon Blood Tree! You would be inclined to think you were transported to another planet - or traveled to another era of Earth’s history. Socotra Island , which is part of a group of four islands, has been geographically isolated from mainland Africa for the last 6 or 7 million years. The archipelago features narrow coastal plains, a limestone plateau with caves, and mountains which rise to 1,525 meters above sea level.

Socotra is a small Yemeni archipelago of four islands and islets in the Indian Ocean off the coast of the Horn of Africa, about 350 kilometers south of the Arabian peninsula .

Like the Galapagos Islands , this island is teeming with 800 extremely rare species of flora and fauna, a full 1/3 of which are endemic, i.e. found nowhere else on Earth.

Socotra is home to more than 800 species of plants, some 240 of which are endemic to the island, and there are certainly many more plant species that have yet to be discovered. The climate is harsh, hot and dry, and yet - the most amazing plant life thrives there.

A Dragon’s Blood Tree (Dracaena cinnabari) is seen in front of the Skund mountains on the island of Socotra , Yemen . The tree is so named because any injury to the bark results in a deep red liquid excreting from the scar – compared in the past to the "Blood of Dragons".
Dragons Blood Tree

e branches spread out into the sky and from below appear to hover over the landscape like so many flying saucers... and from above they have a distinct mushroom look

There is also the Desert Rose (adenium obesium) which looks like nothing so much as a blooming elephant leg

A Socotran Fig Tree (Dorstenia gigas) with a bizare swollen trunk that almost has human proportions grows against a limestone rock face on the island of Socotra . The plants are one of over 300 plant species endemic to the island.

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