sallu alan nabi

sallu alan nabi

Hadis Nabi

Rasulullah SAW berpesan, “Bersegeralah kamu melakukan amalan soleh kerana akan datang kepada umatku di suatu masa, satu fitnah yang begitu besar yang datangnya seperti satu kepingan hitam di malam gelap gelita tak nampak”. Sahabat bertanya, “Apakah fitnah besar itu ya Rasullullah?”. “Fitnah itu adalah kamu akan lihat umatku di hari itu, di waktu itu, pada masa itu, pagi hari Islam, petang kafir. Petang Islam, pagi kafir semula”. Sahabat bertanya lagi, “Mengapa begitu ya Rasullullah?”. Rasullullah SAW menjawab, “sebab dia menjual agamanya dengan nilai dunia”.

Ayat Al Qur'an


Sesungguhnya ini ialah pemberian Kami kepada kamu, pemberian yang tidak akan habis-habis; -

(Saad 38:54)

Ayat Al Qur'an


"Dan sesungguhnya aku telah memohon perlindungan kepada Tuhanku dan Tuhan kamu, daripada kamu merejam (atau menyakiti) daku.

(Ad-Dukhaan 44:20)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bila diberi amanah mereka khianat

Antara peristiwa yang diperhatikan oleh Allah kepada Rasullullah di waktu isra' dan mi'raj

Hosni Mubarak richest man in world with estimated 70 billion dollar fortune: Report

London, Feb 8(ANI): Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is likely the richest man in the world with an estimated fortune worth about 70 billion dollars.

According to the Guardian, Mubarak has money stashed in several Swiss and other foreign bank accounts, and has shadowy real-estate holdings in Manhattan, London and Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.

The 70 billion dollars would put the 82-year-old comfortably ahead of Mexican business magnate Carlos Slim Helu, who is worth about 53.5 billion dollars, and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, the richest American with 53 billion dollars.

According to Princeton Political Science professor Amaney Jamal, Mubarak's three-decade rule in Egypt had kept him in a perfect spot to get a piece of any government action.

"There was a lot of corruption in this regime and stifling of public resources for personal gain. This is the pattern of other Middle Eastern dictators," Jamal told ABC News.

"This is the pattern of other Middle Eastern dictators so their wealth will not be taken during a transition," he added.

Mubarak was appointed Vice President in 1975, and assumed the Presidency on October 14, 1981, following the assassination of President Anwar El Sadat.

He is the longest-serving Egyptian ruler since Muhammad Ali Pasha. (ANI)

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