sallu alan nabi
Hadis Nabi
Rasulullah SAW berpesan, “Bersegeralah kamu melakukan amalan soleh kerana akan datang kepada umatku di suatu masa, satu fitnah yang begitu besar yang datangnya seperti satu kepingan hitam di malam gelap gelita tak nampak”. Sahabat bertanya, “Apakah fitnah besar itu ya Rasullullah?”. “Fitnah itu adalah kamu akan lihat umatku di hari itu, di waktu itu, pada masa itu, pagi hari Islam, petang kafir. Petang Islam, pagi kafir semula”. Sahabat bertanya lagi, “Mengapa begitu ya Rasullullah?”. Rasullullah SAW menjawab, “sebab dia menjual agamanya dengan nilai dunia”.
Ayat Al Qur'an

Sesungguhnya ini ialah pemberian Kami kepada kamu, pemberian yang tidak akan habis-habis; -
(Saad 38:54)Ayat Al Qur'an

"Dan sesungguhnya aku telah memohon perlindungan kepada Tuhanku dan Tuhan kamu, daripada kamu merejam (atau menyakiti) daku.
(Ad-Dukhaan 44:20)Wednesday, November 26, 2008
My Group Presentation
my first group presentation ia about Effectuve Supervision. Brother give the elaboration and defination to the term. then he give more information about. Then brother chong talk about about his school in sarawak. after chong is my turn, i am talking about what i think it is maybe the effective supervision in my school. i am not sure whether that is the effective supervision i am give my friend to justified after this.
After i had finish my presentation, on the last page of my pp, i show to my friend my student who get 5A in UPSR 2008. after waiting more then 57 years.
after my presentation, brother azis present about his school. bro azis talking about program ko-kurikulum. Then brother zuhaimi talk about managing the bantuan kewangan to his school. our group shows and give the meaning of effective supervision.


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